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Somehow, two years have passed. And Dallin will be flying back to the states on March 26th. It has been quite the adventure! I will encourage him to add his own summary when he gets back...(Living the good life in the Philippines, Quezon City North Mission. Entered the MTC in Provo on April 4, 2012. Flew to the Philippines on Sunday, May 13, 2012. What a great adventure! And what an honor to serve the good people of the Pines!)

Monday, May 28, 2012

Slimy yet Satisfying

Wheeew!!!! And that's a wrap folks!! (not to be confused with rap, cuz we haven't even started that yet!!) Week two, finished already? Yikes! Crazy crazy!
Ok, first things first, the answering of the questions. First and foremost, the comp. Yes, I realized last week that I never really got back to my comp. Sorry! So I'm prepared! Elder Quinney is from Far West Utah. He goes home in September. He is six foot and blonde. You will hopefully see pictures on here somewhere. Anyway. He is awesome!! His family is mostly inactive. He was as well until a few years ago, thanks to seminary, friends and his mother. He and his mom are active. He's a champ. He has a little brother that I think has been attending church, but is off at school now and not planning on a mission. His dad is also inactive. And he has an older brother in the air force who is...inactive. So. That's his fam. He's a champ. We have a lot of fun together. He cooks well, and speaks Tagalog champ style. Any other questions here?

And then, quickly with the TP. Well, no TP means....is this really something going in the email? Mum, maybe this is just for your knowledge and you can take this section out. Anywho. I was nervous about the process too when I showed up. But Quinney explained it and it's easy. Pretty much just like european style. We take a bucket and dump the water around back to clean out and debri. Then, a quick hand follow up to make sure it's good. A bit more water. Wala! Just wash your hands as always. Luckily, the hand never needs to do anything. It's all the water. So really it's a fine process. I just usually end up pretty wet in the process. Haven't mastered that just yet. 

No oven here. We have a mini....toaster oven? Maybe that's what it's called. But i've never used it. We have a little gas stove where we do the cooking. 

And frogs....all manner of frogs!! I've seen little ones, medium ones, and plenty of ginormous ones!! The huge ones I've only seen smushed. They don't hop around too much. But we disected a frog back in biology. I thought it was pretty big. Some of these are bigger! Ha, and no need to disect. Their insides all come out when their smushed!! One step disection!!! Ha, sorry, that's gross. Moving on!!!

I don't think there were any more questions. So I'll get to our week. It was a good week this week. I'm adjusting so it was excellent!! I am even able to pick up more words every day. Doesn't mean a ton makes sense just yet, but it's been better! And I'm getting used to things around here. It's starting to feel normal. Ha, besides the heat. Probably one of the most exciting things is that we went to Utah for a quick visit this week. Hopefully, I'll not need to explain that. But it was cool!! 

Of course, the biggest thing was Elder Nelson coming for mission conference. That was sooo cool! The entire mission doesn't gather often, so when it does, it's quite the occasion. He was fantastic. Gave a wonderful talk and I got loads of notes. We all got to shake his hand and he looked me right in the eye. Pretty much looking down into my soul! It was awesome!! I got to see the two sisters I came out with and ask about their first weeks. Ha, sounds like I've had probably the best!!

We got fed by a few of the members this week. Bishop made us some killer food. Squid with one of the members last night. Some type of yummy root dish that they cook close to dutch oven style. It's all been very good! And of course, food at home with elder quinney is always good! Lots and lots of rice!! 

Quickly, before I forget, they gave us an address for packages and email, cuz it changed recently. I don't know if it's the same one I already gave you but here we go anyway:

Elder Dallin Christensen
Quezon City North Mission
P.O. BOX 1243
Quezon City Central Post Office
Nia Road, Diliman
1100 Quezon City 

Wow, I didn't email all that long ago. But since last time, we went to the temple. But not to go through this time. Every once in a while, we do a temple tour for investigators. Elder Quinney and I were at the first station that welcomed everyone and entertained them before sending them on to different stations to learn about the temple. That was a fun experience. 

We have about 5 investigators right now. That has been really cool! Sometimes we have a hard time meeting with them. But we've been putting in good work! We have a ton of less active families. They are great too! 

Yesterday was stake conference. The mission president and a general authority came. I didn't understand most of the things said, because of the Tagalog, but the president spoke english, so I enjoyed his talk!! 

This morning, we helped a lady move houses. Yikes. She was moving about an eighth of a mile. Not bad except that you have to carry everything. Whew!! Lets just say I'm sweaty!! 

Thank you father, for the figuras. I've been using them! They are fantastic!! And I've had a little time to read through the talks. Those are simply fantastic! Thank you thank you!!

Love the kids here!! They are always excited to see us coming! They are a lot of fun to "attempt" to talk to!! Ha, they are great!!

Anyway, I don't remember anything else huge since I emailed last. A ton of good hard work, a lot of yummy food, lots of rain, a few blessings, and lots of Tagalog! That's mostly it I think. I'm going to attempt to send some pictures. But things are good here. We've got a lot of work!! And the work is going well!! Thank you for everything!! Send Elder Newman some love before he goes!! Sorry to here about Jannie, but she's dope! I wish here the best! Thanks again!! Love you all!!

Much love,

Elder Christensen

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